Thursday, 18 August 2016


While sitting here next to the Bodensee, It makes me wonder. I wonder about life… what to achieve, how to be great, how to do things that actually matter on a large scale? How to make a difference in the world? You might call it obsession or unhealthy addiction. But one of the things that I spend of the time thinking about is what are the ways that I can make a significant contribution in the world while my time here? What is my purpose in life and what am I on planet earth for? One can say that I might have a fixation on the idea of making a mark for myself to an extent which can easily be deemed borderline obsession. Whether that is wishing to do things that have never been done, write something that never has been written, create things that don’t yet exist or inspire and motivate the humanity to another level. In order to do that one must escape the circle of normalcy and enter the ocean of epicness. Which I believe lies on a different plane of the mind. One must go to depth of onself and find ideas, make deeper connections. The human mind works the best when given a reference point, and as Douglas Hofstader once famously said: analogy is the core of cognition; Using a reference point one can make novel connections to reach to ideas that have never had existed. Think of it this way, whenever I see things like life expectancy, ageing, food (not necessarily in the same sentence) my mind lights up about the role might food have in ageing. In order to do that one must put themselves in a surroundings where their minds are stimulated. The rest will be completed by curiosity. Oh yes curiosity is one of the most significant and crucial aspects of one’s personality. One might have desire, passion and motivation but without curiosity they are like an engine without fuel. Coming back to the point of novel connections, in situations where your mind is challenged to generate new ideas is the most fruitful way of reaching the point where you can find something truly extraordinary whether that is an idea or awakening. Challenge yourself! Escape the quotidian and be in the unusual and unexplored, seek novelty not normalcy and be in stay orbit. We all have been given a processor in our head. It is all about applying updates to our processors. Once one has found the door to such an orbit, one will automatically be in the steady presence; free from distraction of boredom. Which by fact is also one of the ways to remove boredom from one’s state of mind? As soon as you feel static, change the surroundings, talk to new group of people, some people you have never had thought of having a conversation before. Who knows what might come out of it. I get it, changing environments is tough, It is scary too! To move out of the comfort zone of the known and walk towards the realms of the unknown is like jumping out of a plane and hoping that during the fall you will build a parachute. But if we never take the jump how will we know if we can do it or not? Mavbe life is only this… Taking a fall and then building something on our way down to survive, until the thrill of it makes us get back up there to do it all over again!
But you might ask why should we do so much effort when we can just glide in life without shaking up too many things around us? But if you wanted that then you probably would not have been reading up until this point. You would have lost interest, if you reached this far it is only because your mind is curious to know, it wants to surpass the mundane and enter the extraordinary. Some people might tell themselves that we get one life, and better do everything one can before the system shuts down forever!